Thursday, 14 February 2013

Agricultural investment opportunities - CMT’s 3rd Commercial Farm Africa Summit

Centre for Management Technology today launches the 3rd Commercial Farm Africa Summit to take place on 19 and 20 March, in Accra, Ghana. Endorsed by Ghanaian Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) and supported by Private Enterprise Foundation, the two-day summit addresses rising agricultural investment opportunities in the region, spotlighting on funding, best practices, infrastructure and innovations challenges.

Growth Green Agriculture Emerging Markets News

Co-sponsored by SGS South Africa (Corporate) and Swiss Re Corporate Solutions (Afternoon Reception), the 3rd Commercial Farm Africa Summit will open with a keynote speech by a top-level official from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, addressing “Agricultural Investment Opportunities in Ghana”, and public-private partnership in agribusiness development.

Among the speakers at this Africa summit are Stephen Kumadoh, Principal Valuer of Land Commission, who will elaborate on land banks and availability for agricultural investment opportunities; Sarah Marchand (Holmes), Senior Advisor of Technical Assistance Facility for the African Agriculture Fund, sharing on smallholder out-grower schemes and experiences across various countries and sectors; plus Cobus Burger, Managing Director from SGS South Africa, presenting a paper on sustainability in crop production.

Additionally, Christina Ulardic, Head of Market Development Africa, Swiss Re, will be examining agricultural project risk management, while valuable case studies on agricultural projects in commercial farms in Ethopia and rice projects in Africa will be presented by Vijay Kumar Jain, Director of Ruchi Soya, and Mick Bartlett, Chief Operating Officer of Vita Rice, respectively. Praire Volta & Kwanim G.D.K farm, both operating in Ghana, will share their experiences and challenges with investing and operating in Ghana.

Tackling sessions on infrastructure and logistics are Jules Gogoua, Head of Transport Division in ECOWAS Commission, who will focus on development plans in West Africa, and Nana Osei-Bonsu, Director-General of Private Enterprise Foundation, zooming into warehouse receipt systems. IFC & Phatisa, Manager of African Agriculture Fund, will provide insights on funding of agricultural projects.

Experts from companies including SABMiller Africa and S.A. Sopex N.V will shed light on prospective crops and farming segments, such as cassava, corn, livestock and poultry, while Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture and Netafim will look at technology and innovations.

Growth Green Agriculture - What do we do?

+Growth Green Agriculture  is a UK based agricultural investments company specialising in emerging markets offering lucrative opportunities to invest in Ghana. GGAgriculture acts as consultant on green and socially responsible investments to the private and institutional investor community in Europe.

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