Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Ghana calls for more investors into its oil sector

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Ghana wants investors to take advantage of the West African country’s conducive environment to help boost its nascent oil and gas industry, a senior official said Tuesday.

Ghanian Minister for Energy and Petroleum Emmanuel Armah Kofi Buah made the call when he opened the 17th Offshore Conference on Oil and Gas Deepwater Exploration here.

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He said his ministry and its agencies, Petroleum Commission and Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), continued to welcome into Ghana International Oil Companies (IOCs) that shared in the country’s collective strategy of aggressive but environmentally conscious exploration and production activity.

The minister argued that the West African country, which commenced oil production late 2010, offered a politically stable and financially competitive environment for investment in the oil and gas industry.

“A sound foundation for competitiveness has been laid specifically in improving the living standards, economic growth, competitive corporate taxes, legal framework and fiscal policy,” said the minister, adding that ultimately such investments should be to the benefit of the people of Ghana and the investors.

Source and Full Story: NZWeek

+Growth Green Agriculture (trading as GG Agriculture)  is a UK based agricultural investments company specialising in emerging markets offering lucrative opportunities to invest in Ghana.